The Extensions of Remarks section of the Congressional Record published “CONGRATULATING TOKYO 2020 SILVER MEDALIST JESSICA PARRATTO.....” on Aug. 31, 2021.
Held at the Greater Wakefield Resource Center in Union – an informal drop-in center for HiSET (formerly GED) study; math, writing & reading tutoring; computer training, career counseling and any other literacy issue.
There will be road reconstruction on North Barnstead Road consisting of: Grading, Rolling, Feather Placement (to mark the centerline for paving), Box Cutting Sections (removal of several feet of material within a section of the road and replaced with proper aggregates), Trucking materials, etc.
The Carroll County Board of Commissioners will hold their regular weekly meeting on Thursday, September 2, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. at 95 Water Village Road, Administration Building, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, Ossipee NH 03864.
The Plymouth State University Counseling Center is a foundation of Plymouth State’s caring and compassionate culture, and its history and continuing importance were spotlighted in a recent dedication event.