
Lake Region News

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Rivier University Fall 2022 Dean's List Announced


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Students named to the Rivier University Fall 2022 Dean’s List have achieved a semester grade point average of 3.5 and are full-time students, carrying a minimum of twelve graded credit hours.

Fall 2022 Dean’s List

Genesis Abarca
Samantha Adams
Yamiris Adrian Saldivar
Renee Alton
Angel Anan
Asanti Andrews
Meghan Angelo
Hannah Apostolos
Bianca Araya
Avery Arnold
Amanda Atkinson
William Augustine
Melieena Ayotte
Mattingly Babb
Robenson Baguidy
Ty Baker
Makenna Balderrama
Norah Baldwin
Haley Balkan
Jesse Baril
Colby Barron
Cassandra Barry
Tyler Bedrosian
Dayanne Bellefleur
Isaiah Berry
Andrew Berthiaume
Kaylee Bianchi
Hayden Bilodeau
Samantha Blais
Mya Blanchard
Lily Blodgett
Isaac Borges
Emily Bothwell
Olivia Boucher
Madison Bovill
Stott Bowman
Milan Breczko
Catherine Breen
Hannah Breen
Elizabeth Breton
Samantha Brooks
MacCallum Brown
Molly Brown
Kylie Bryant
Julianna Bucci
Bethsabe Cabrera
Anna Campbell
Rachel Cannistraro
Regan Carpine
Jessica Carrier
Lauryn Carroll
Lindsey Carroll
Natalie Cassady
Isabella Cebrero
Elizabeth Chauvette
Alexys Cheney
Zachary Chiasson
Jennifer Childs
Larysa Chou
Danielle Clement
Kyrissa Cloutier
Jessica Coakley
Kevin Collins
Helene Cote
Alyssa Coulombe
Kylie Coupal
Samuel Cultrera
Madison Curran
Alexander Currie
Kaylee Cwiklik
Logan Dapprich
Alex deAlmeida
Madison DeChiara
Braden Dee
Shaylagh Dehney
Robert Delprete
Dylan Desmarais
Emma Desmarais
Madison DiFrancesca
Gianna Digiorgio
James DiGiovanni
Spencer Dines
Stella Dionis
Leah DiPietro
Jenna Dodge
Carson Dowling
Shae Downing
Jessica Driscoll
Johnna Duchanin
Paige Ducharme
Tyler Duderstadt
Abigail Dufault
Jessica Duffy
Ryan Dumont
Ian Duprey
Anthony Duque
Chance Eason-Jones
Faith Facchini
Emily Feinstein
Rebekah Ferreira
Adam Fielding
Elsie Figueroa
Madeline Fitts
Grace Flynn
Jack Foley
Ashleigh Forestell
John Fotheringham
Isabelle Foye
Sarah Frazier
Sawyer Gagnon
Anika Gammans
Olivia Garand
Carina Gargano
Katelyn Garneau
Dalayna Gervais
Julie Giannopoulos
Jorge Giraldo
Cynthia Gomez
Deondra Goodspeed
Anna Gorman
Gabrielle Gosselin
Madison Goulet
Elizabeth Grady
Riley Grant
Lauryn Gray
Emma Greene
Lyric Grumblatt
Courtney Gunter
Jacqueline Gutu
Alexander Hagopian
Adam Hailey
Jillian Hallee
Zayna Hanna
Jonathan Hawkins
Christopher Heitmiller
James Heitmiller
Cassie Hemmerdinger
Kathryn Henderson
Ryan Hicks
Luke Huard
Jacob Hughes
Adiah Humphrey
Caitlin Ivany
Elisabeth Jacob
Kaitlyn Jandreau
Kelly Janerico
Jessika Johnson
Daniel Johnston
Ashton Jones
Matthew Jozokos
Zak Justice
Teresia Karanja
Taiylor Kennedy
Madison Kepnes
Katherine Kilgore
Hope Kloppenburg
Samantha Knowles
Kaedan Konig
Derek Labbe
Taylor Lacasse
Sophia Lakin
Helleny Landry
Emma Langer
Jaina Lavertue
Kelly Lavoie
Ashley Lawton
Aaron Lepoer
Alexis Lever
Aurora Levesque
Michael Levesque
Christopher Lezon
Sa Li
Casandra Lienqueo
Sharon Lipira
Marko Ljushikj
Haley Looney
Victoria Lopez
Thomas Lorenzetti
Andrew LoRusso
Christina Louh
Caroline Lucey
Alyssa Lundergan
Kayla Lyle
Kila Lyle
Hannah Mafera
Josephina Maggiore
Lara Malizia
Nicole Martin
Alicia Martinez
Wesly Martinez
Griffin Masseur
Jesse Mayhew
Jordan Mayhew
Emily McCluskey
Stephanie McDonald
Owen McDuffie
Connor McGuire
Heather McHatton
Anne McIntosh
Viola McIntosh
Hailey McMahon
Nolan Mederos
Owen Medlock
Anthony Mele
Renee Merchant
Caroline Mercier
Sarah Mercier
Megan Metzdorf
Kiera Michaud
Paige Migliorini
Thomas Miller
Kenlei Milovanovic
Isabella Mirisola
Irina Mistrik
Madelyn Moedebeck
Shreejana Mongar
Selena Moody
Elizabeth Moran
Madelyn Morgan
Kathryn Moriarty
Hailey Morse
Arianna Motivala
Hannah Muchemore
Irelynn Mullen
Faith Mulvey
Ashley Murphy
Shane Murphy
Faith Nabalu
Abby Nadeau
Meghan Nadeau
Mallorie Nantel
Leah Nelson
Luke Newell
Jacob Newman
Sara Ngeth
Nyla Nguyen
Sierra Nickerson
Emma Nieters
Amanda Nolan
Jessica O’Connor
Lauren O’Keefe
Joseph O’Reilly
Katie Ottman
Tanwa Owolabi
Nicolas Paolucci
Brianna Parent
Emilee Parent
Sofia Pawlusik
Lydia Payne
Jacqueline Peabody
Ryan Peace
Brysin Perez
Emma Perkins
Cole Perreault
Hannah Perry
Elizabeth Peter
Isabella Pettirossi
Hunter Phillips
Grace Pierce
Nikolas Pignone
Thomas Popoloski
Jeffrey Potter
Lydia Pray
Gabrielle Provost
Maya Puma
Anthony Purdue
Katherine Quinn
Angeline Rasby
Adam Razzaboni
Haleigh Reilly
Katie Renfrew
Mariana Renteria
Austin Richardson
Sage Richardson
Emmalee Riel
Heather Ries
Kathrin Rivera Nunez
Isis Robledo
Brynn Roche
Lachlan Rodgers
Kayla Roque
Leah Rossi
Alfred Rotiroti
Heather Rourke
Jonathan Rudy
Hayli Ruiter
Melissa San Miguel
Tamara Sarazua
Jessica Sartori
Jessica Scaplen
Amber Schaefer
Dacey Schreiber
Abigail Schultz
Timothy Scott
Madisyn Secchiaroli
Sierra Sessa
Sarah Shewokis
Chloe Sicard
Ella Simpson
Chiara Skeels
Jaden Smith
Natalia Sola
Ethan Soltis
Yoojeong Song
Sarah Sorette
Emma Soule
Emma Sousa
Kelsey Sova
Sydney Spenard
Amarre Spence
Caitlyn St. Cyr
Taylor Stacy
Anna Stawasz
Anna Stenger
Ashley Stone
Madeleine Straw
Haleigh Sullivan
Maha Syed
Rachel Symmes
Celina Tak
Dylan Tanguay
Nicholas Tavares
Rosalinda Tavarez Estevez
Tiffany Tejeda
Emily Thomas
Samuel Tibbetts
Jack Tos
Jayne Tracy
Chloe True
Brett Turner
Samuel Valdez
Bryan Van Ness
Rachel Vardinski
Felicia Vitorino
Alexandra Walsh
Andrew Warren
Kurt Watson
Brenna Welch
Liberty Wells
Alyson Werth
Jhanne White
Peter White
Zachary White
Kelsey Whiting
Torianne Whiting
Brianna Wilcox
Ashley Wilder
Alexandria Williams
Kevin Williams
Emma Wunderlich
Susan Yiga
Amelia Young
Alan Yu
Makayla Zulon
Sarah Zupkosky 

Congratulations Fall 2022 Dean’s List students! The University community applauds your achievement!

For more information on Rivier University, its academic programs, and community projects, visit rivier.edu. Prospective students can contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at (603) 897-8507 to learn more.

Original source can be found here.



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